The Bible is thoroughly Jewish! Join hosts Chris Katulka (the gentile dude) and Steve Herzig (the Jewish sage) as they unpack the Scriptures from a Jewish perspective, look at current events surrounding Israel and the Jewish people, and explain some fun Jewish culture and customs. Oy! You‘ll even learn some Yiddish words. The Jew and Gentile Podcast is a ministry of FOI Equip, an outreach of North American Ministries and The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry is a worldwide evangelical ministry proclaiming biblical truth about Israel and the Messiah, while bringing physical and spiritual comfort to the Jewish people. (www.foi.org)
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Wednesday Dec 27, 2023
Valley of Dry Bones: A Spiritually Renewed Israel
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Oy, look at Steve’s punim!
From the Scriptures:
Daniel 9
The Most High God
By: Renald Showers
FOI Equip Classes:
Does Israel Control the Media?
Have you ever heard someone say, “Jewish people influence the news to make Israel look like the victim” or “Jewish people control the media!”? Is there any truth to these age-old antisemitic tropes? Join Sarit Catz from the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) as she interacts with the evidence and reveals that there is more to the story than meets the eye.
Register: foiequip.org
The prophecy of the Valley of Dry Bones is a vivid and compelling vision found in the prophet Ezekiel. The promise of bringing the bones back to life from death signifies God's commitment to restoring Israel not just physically by returning the people to their land but also spiritually by renewing their covenant relationship with Him. Join Friends of Israel’s Ty Perry as he connects Ezekiel’s prophecy with the hope of the Jewish people and the re-establishment of the modern State of Israel.
Register: foiequip.org
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Chris Katulka’s book:
Israel Always
Steve Herzig’s book:
Jewish Culture & Customs
From the news surrounding Israel and the Jewish People:
READ — Letter from Fallen Israeli Reservist to Parents: ‘I Fell Honorably for My People. I Have No Regrets’
‘The safest place to be Jewish’: 2,600 people have moved to Israel since Hamas invaded
Israel's Christian population is growing, says Central Bureau of Statistics
Yiddish Word(s) of the Day
Seventy - Zibetsik